Sunday, January 2, 2011

Declutter- Get Ready for 2011

Happy New Year! If you're like most of us, by now you've written your New Year's resolutions, which could include anything from losing weight to changing jobs, finding a mate, saving more, spending less or finding a few extra minutes every day for yourself.

Before you even think about embarking on any of them, consider this fundamental truth: you can't move forward if you're stuck where you are. 

It's time to move forward, to blast your way out of the past, clear out whats clogging the hallways, hearts and memories of your life.

Get ready for 2011, declutter.

Throw out 20 things from your home and your mind.

1. Magazines more than 3 months old, they are fire hazards
2. Old receipts clogging the kitchen drawer, you know which drawer I mean !
3. Keys that seem to have no locks that match, They haven't had for years, maybe decades!
4. The belief that you are alone
5. Trying to please everyone
6. Stale spices & ingredients
7. Medicines for conditions you no longer have or that are expired
8. A single sock, glove or earring, it's mate is not going to be coming back !
9. Thinking that if you let go of the memorabilia, you'll lose the memories
10. The times you messed up
11. Thinking you have to have all the answers
12. T-shirts from the company outing you grudgingly attended two weeks before you were laid off
13. Thinking you are always right
14. The belief that your best days are behind you
15. Clothes that no longer fit
16. The need for everyone to like you
17. Make-up in shades you no longer wear or can't be found in nature !
18. Twisty ties, random paper clips and safety pins
19. Wire clothes hangers
20. Books that you will get to someday

Take control of your life, declutter.
Tossing things we don't need can free up more than closet space.
The stress in your face and body will ease and your confidence will return.
Things start to fall into place in every area of your life when you declutter ...
Have fun while you declutter, you will be glad you did !

So, about those New Year's Resolutions...
Once you have a clear picture of what your future will be and you systematically get rid of the clutter that's keeping you from getting there, you'll be ready for just about anything.
Lose the clutter, find your life.

Green Business Network: Connect, Market, and Grow


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